misconceptionsIt's true that people of other religion than Islam have misconceptions of this true religion. Most of us put the total blame on the media for exploiting the power they have over people by giving false infos and portraying the Muslims as terrorists and a shallow-minded people who do not open up their way of life to taste some of the enjoyment of the world.
However, it is what most of us, Muslims in Malaysia believe in. But actually we are the one to be blamed for the false misconceptions. We do what the non-Muslims do. It's not only things like going to clubs, drinking wine or having sex before marriage, it is those simple things that had become our daily routine that we do since young that we do not know that it is wrong. I remember one of my friends read in a blog about a turkish woman who thinks that Malaysia is in a great danger because Muslims and Non-Muslims are not distinguishable. Just go to any of the shopping malls and we can see common scenarions of Malay's love birds act as if they are a married couple. It is even more saddening that we are not aware of the fact that meetings with non-muhrim is haram even though it does not involve any physical touch. Men and women can only meet for really important matters and must be with a muhrim companion. That is one aspect. Well, i am not going to elaborate further on any other aspects. Remember that we are created to worship God.
"And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship me [51:56]."
Islam is not just a religion. Religion in arabic is 'deen'. And 'deen' is the way of life.
"And whoever desires other than Islam as religion, never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the hereafter will be among the losers [3:85]."
I'm writing this as a reminder to myself. Humans being tend to forget. Sometimes I was averted from what should have been my priority in life. Last week was one great lesson. A lesson that made me realise all these burdens that i am having shall be removed as soon as possible. It is like carrying groceries from Macquarie Center back to Macquarie Uni Village which makes me feel like it took forever to reach home. These burdens, these jahiliyyah thingy have made my pace slow. While my other friends run happily back home without any burdens, i am left behind. And this is sad. I envy them.
Therefore, i know me myself should portray the real image of a Muslim which i am still not.
The non-Muslims and other Muslims needs to be enlightened that what is happening in the way of life of most Muslims in Malaysia is not right. And I am one of the persons who should move heaven and earth to portray the truth. And I really hope I'll do.
Btw, this is one hadith which reflects today's scenario.
Abu Sa'id r.a. berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.e. bersabda:
"Demi Allah, pasti kamu akan mengikuti tradisi umat-umat sebelum kamu selangkah demi selangkah, sampai kalaupun mereka masuk ke liang biawak niscaya kamu akan masuk ke dalamnya pula". Para sahabat bertanya: "Ya Rasulullah, orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani kah?". Beliau menjawab, "Lalu siapa lagi?" (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).
on my way to Sydney
"...Ya Tuhan kami janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah...[2:285]."