Thursday, March 29, 2007

Rindu Rasul (pbuh)

In two days time, we'll be celebrating the birth of the greatest individual in history, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Loving the prophet is not only about knowing him, but also following his sunnah. He is the best role model for everyone. Why?
A brahmin colleague of the late Professor Hassan Ali, said:
"No man possesed the characteristics, mannerisms and ethics that he possessed at one time. He was a king under whom the entire peninsula unifeid; yet he was humble. He believed that the dominion belonged to his God alone. Great riches wolud come to him, and yet he lived in a state of poverty; fire would not be lit in his house for many days, and he would stay hungry. He was a great leader; he led small numbers into battle against thousands, and yet he would decisively defeat them. He loved peace agreement and would agree to them with a firm heart, even though he had thousands of his brave and courageous Companions by his side. He was deeply connected about the affairs of the Arabian Peninsula, yet he did not neglect the affairs of his family, household, or the poor and needy. He busied himself with the worship of God and loved doing deeds which pleased Him. He never avenged himself on account of personal reasons. He even prayed for his enemies' wellbeing, and would warn them of the punishment of God. He was an ascetic regarding worldly affairs and would worship God throughout the night".
Those characteristics portrayed by the prophet (pbuh) is an indicator that Islam is a perfect religion. Comparing our present life to the life of the prophet and his companions, we will see one huge gap. They live in poverty yet they are grateful and never complaints. They are the ones whom Allah has promised them paradise but they never stop worshipping Allah in humble submissions. When they see people performing evil misdeeds, they will quickly stop and prevent those with their hands. They never feel reluctance to do so even though it is their close ones that do those. All these is rooted from the 'iman' that they have.
Rasulullah (pbuh) said, "Indeed I have been sent to perfect good character."
Those great mens, the companions is the result of this. The prophet and his companions is the best nation ever produced in mankind history. But how come I still being myself? Why I still refuse to follow them? Simply I got the answer. It is because I am the product of this so called globalisation era. My mind is shaped to think that whatever come from the western civilisation is the best. It is funny as come to think of it, it makes me looks like a clown. A clown think he is entertaining to everyone, and everyone likes them, but in fact, people laugh at you because you follow the act of a clown which is silly. If you define coolness through the movies that you watched in the cinema or TV, you'll be a clown forever.
A great human is one who follows what Allah has ordained him to do. Allah never judge you by your appearence, but it is your taqwa (hope and fear) towards him. Then, when you are someone that fear God, it shines through your characters both inside and outside. May Allah grant us strength to follow the sunnah of Rasulullah (pbuh).
“Sayangnya umat Muhammad kini banyak yang tersasar daripada akhlak Rasulullah. Lihat sahaja kini, umat Islam semakin sukar dibezakan sama ada dari segi pertuturan, pergaulan, pakaian malah apa sahaja kerana semuanya seakan-akan serupa dengan orang kafir. " - Utusan Malaysia.
I am writing this as a reminder to myself.


Rosyada said...

nice piece farah ..

.ain. said...

a good reminder!

Far Azmi said...

thanks Syada, thanks Ain!