Sunday, April 22, 2007

when you think the whole world is against you..
Cho Seung Hui. The tragedy in Virginia Tech that killed 32 people reflects the aggressive and violent answer to the oppression experienced by someone whose role and existence is not realised by the society.
Unfortunately, among Muslims we have some people trying to be like Cho. They are so overwhelmed with this belief that the whole world is against them. Therefore, they started to seclude themselves from people either in distance or actions. They think being different (not in accordance with the teachings of the religion) is cool. They idolise wrong figure. The best example would be Kurt Cobain from the band Nirvana who commit suicide somewhere around early 90s. He is regarded by this trying-to-be-different people as their role model. So, these so called Muslims follow his thinking, even worse his way of life. Therefore, they opt for drugs as a way to ease tension and depression. I felt disturbed by these type of people as for me they are somewhat selfish and vain. As if this whole world is all about you. We don't even have time to discuss 24/7 about your life. Why trying to be different in a wrong way? People do not even bother to perceive that as cool or might not even realise it. People have their own life to look after to and don't be angry when there is someone telling you that what you did is wrong as it is the responsibility of a human. It's not like we want to meddle in your bussiness but that's what God asks us to do.
Well, what is the thing with 'Punk for life'.. 'Ska lover', and all things like such. It's a wonder that these people thinks this rubbish ideology is the best suits for a weirdo like them. What a loser. big time! Have not what happens in the Virginia Tech tragedy opens up our mind that how the advent of such ideology which is the society is not the best example for us to be followed. On the surface they look great but beneath it they lacks values and cures for humanity. Why still bother to embrace those thinking?

The answer and cure to this disease is the Quran. The human manual. You laugh at people who refers to the Quran as one way to seek peace of mind, but have you ever considered the obvious fact that you are created by the writer of the manual and it is certain that one day we will be returned to Him. It's like you fix your laptop using the refrigerator's manual, and the inventor of the laptop tells you to use the manuals that he has provided but you laugh and refuse to use the refrigerator's manual and still insists of using the refrigerator's manual. Hah, then you're a real weirdo.

Well, I talk about myself actually. I used to embrace this type of thinking. The thinking I obtained from the rock music that I listened to. Maybe I followed not in appearance but still the 'percikan ada skit-skit'. You know those rock lyrics always about being obsessive about your ownself and that it is okay to be different in a bad way. That it is good and cool to be something that is unacceptable by the society. However, I don't think that is weird anymore. I have friends who are obsessed about Muse coming to Malaysia. Out of nowhere we have lots of people in Malaysia who claims to be one fanatic muse fan. One funny thing is there is also this people who think that it is one great loss for those who did not go to the concert, as they're here in Malaysia like once in 10 years. Oh negaraku! Tempat tumpahnya darahku. When I told them in Sydney, we have lots of big name in entertaiment industry come to Sydney for concerts, it's like one bizarre thing that I do not go to their concert. Hey, siapa mereka? They don't deserve my scholarship money.

I'm not saying that going to concert makes you a bad people (even though it is obviously wrong). It is just to exemplify that how strange we define coolness. Sad but true but that is the reality in Malaysia. Thank God that I found the enlightenment that how many years of my life I played with toys. Now I feel like an adult watching these kids but an adult physically enjoy playing with their toys. How I wish I can go to them and grab those toys and throw it all away. As toys are just for kids. Indeed I can and I should. It's all in ur mind. And with Allah's help, everything is possible.

waitomo cave, new zealand

sunset in Auckland


Far Azmi said...

entri emo ada org kata.. bila tulis nih actually terfikir psl future students.. bile mlihat video mat2 rempit kt youtube.. oh beratnya tanggungjawab seorang guru!

Anonymous said...

i love dis entry...hehehe..let us become a great teacher dat can produce students with strong beliefs of islam..

from ur dear fren naYA

Far Azmi said...

yeppp.. insya-Allah..segalanya bkn mustahil dgn kehendak Allah

.ain. said...

love this entry too!
and the photos..SubhanAllah..