Saturday, December 05, 2009

Kerja waktu cuti

I envy those who can speak more than 2 languages. Most Malaysian who are not Malay are trilingual. Jeles. To me being a bilingual is not enough. I should know at least three languages. So, I hope I will have enough time and courage to sharpen my arabic. I have a Pak Arab teaching arabic at my school and many other teachers who can speak Arabic very well. So I hope they will be of a great help.

Why need to be a multilingual.

Research has shown that those who know many languages are more intelligent as they have many different perspectives resulting frm learning the different languages. Not only that, a multilingual is more creative and has more advantages when it comes to job opportunity.
And of course people will respect you more when you are proficient in many languages.

So, I think I'm going to start the lesson through learning Arabic from the Holy Koran translation. Bye!


Jarod Yong said...

Do your best!

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