Tuesday, October 09, 2007

click Palestine

I love how Khalid Amayreh, the writer for palestine-info who is now in occupied Jerusalem, commenting and giving his own views and opinions on Zionist occupation of Palestine. Factual, accurate and honest. And also threateaning to the enemies.
Here's an excerpt:
"Ahmadinejad simply asked the question often asked by hundreds of millions of ordinary Arabs and Muslims as well other conscientious people around the world.:” Why is it that the Palestinian people are paying the price for an event they had nothing to do with?” And “if the holocaust did happen, why must the Palestinians pay?” Yes, why? Why? Why?
These questions and other remarks made by the young Iranian leader shocked Israel's fanatical supporters and apologists in the US who, predictably, resorted to name-calling, personal attacks and red-herring tactics aimed at vilifying the elected president of 72 million people and diverting attention from Zionist savagery and brutality in Palestine. If anything, the vile response was a clarion testimony to the intellectual bankruptcy of Zionism.
Indeed, instead of objectively and honestly relating to Ahmadinejad’s logical remarks about Israel’s Gestapo-like tactics against the helpless Palestinians, Zionist leaders from Israeli-occupied Jerusalem to Israeli-occupied Congress were caught off balance by the audacity and shocking veracity of the Iranian leader’s speech."

check this site out:

Go under the 'comment' section. That's where most of his views are. It's best to read from someone who is actually there witnessing the real things.

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