Monday, December 04, 2006

no idea

Got nothing inspirational to write today. In fact im forcing myself to write right now. Still couldnt figure out something meaningful to write. Im just hopeless. hehe as if i always write something inspirational...duh... doink!~ Well, Ive just paid my 600 dollar deposit today and now im deadly broke and now i dont have enough money to pay for the next month's accomodation rent. Im not afraid just worried altho i heard that the government are going to give back the backdated allowance which is worth 600 dollars. I hope they will come out before next year. I dun even bother to topup my hp. It's too much amount of money i guess considering the situation that im facing rite now. Er, too much of complaining eh? Btw, im soo looking forward for the fruit picking in victora, my job in 2 weeks time. it's not only about the money, but the experience. It's true by the time i'll be back from victoria, i'll be hitam and thinner (hehe mungkin..harap2) but they dun really matter me all. it is something. about something. Yerp there'll be something. That something.


fATin Ali said...

yeahhh!! cant wait to see farah kurus heheeh!!

Rosyada said...

have fun there k.

tolong jagakan nisa + durra tu ... hehe


Far Azmi said...

fatin: mudah2 an kurus... aminnnn

syada: insya-Allah..jgn risau akan dijagakan mereka itu