Friday, August 29, 2008
Hari-hari kerja
Dalam karier (walaupun masih dalam praktikal) kesan dan kepuasan kerja akan berbeza bergantung kepada niat. Kalau niatnya benar, bagaimanapun hasilnya (samada bagus atau kurang) akan membuatkan samaada bertambah bersemangat atau redha dan cuba memperbaik apa yang kurang. Learn to appreciate failures.
Bulan puasa yang mendatang ini diharap akan meningkatkan kualiti kerja, kerana kerja kalau niatnya adalah ibadah, berganda-ganda ganjarannya dan pasti membuatkan kita lebih semangat dan bermotivasi.
Selamat datang Ramadhan!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Why Jerusalem is so important?
Jerusalem, though not mentioned its name in the Quran for it is referred as 'the land' in the holy book, is the place that influences the way this world works. Salahuddin Al-Ayubi once quoted saying, "those who conquers Palestine is the one who conquers the world." Looking at Jerusalem today, we simply know who is the one that rules the world today. However, Al-Quran has given hints what will happen in the future and according to the author of the book, the cloud has been lifted and the other books I've read also mention the same thing which is the fact that it is about the end of their domination (the Zionists) and the world are about to witness the Golden Age of a civilisation that once experienced its glory. And the starting point will be in Jerusalem? Wallahu'alam.
Hilmi Al-Chamatesy also wrote in 'Ummah Melayu:Kuasa Baru Dunia Abad ke-21" about the huge role played by Muslims in the Southeast Asia towards the Golden Age. And the fact that this is supported by hadith makes me even more convinced that the situation is getting better with a condition that Muslims who understand Islam is willing to work the very best for it according to their ability and potential. Of course all of us want to be part of the change.
Back to Jerusalem, once every Muslims realises how it is important to them, we will strive towards developing the Ummah for when the Ummah is strong, it is possible to have all the strength for fighting to get back what is ours, Jerusalem. If the Jew from all over the world is willing to leave their luxurious houses with beautiful scenery in Europe, Australia etc. to live in Jerusalem (and they werent born there) although they have to deal with the Arabs that hates what they did with the Palestinians, why not we, Muslims?
Ok, so if you want to know how the world works, watch Jerusalem..
p/s: the books I've read on Jerusalem and Palestine predicts that the return of Jesus is near. There was catastrophe which affected water level of Galilee River and one hadith said that Jesus will not come until the water in Galilee River has almost dried up or dried up. Allah knows best.
Bahasa Indah
Saya tahu Quran itu bahasa yang indah tetapi hingga ke hari ini tidak dapat saya rasa dan saya nikmati keindahannya dalam erti kata yang sebenar kerana tidak memahami bahasa itu sendiri. Saya ingin fasih bahasa Arab. Moga ini akan menambahkan lagi cinta pada Pencipta saya.
Friday, August 08, 2008
I hate robot
She wants to tell her loved ones, esp. her students how much she loves them but she cannot do that because either it doesn't have any emotions at all (which is so not true) or it is just not confident enough to do so.
*sigh* It's not easy to be me...
(could be because she herself isn't aware of her Great Great programmer)
Monday, August 04, 2008
Islam untuk bangsa, atau bangsa untuk Islam?
Perjuangan berbentuk kebangsaan adalah suatu tujuan yang murni. Namun hasrat memartabatkan bangsa mungkin menjadi hanya suatu tujuan apabila kepentingan mempertahankan maruah bangsa mengatasi keinginaan memartabatkan Islam Perjuangan berbentuk kebangsaan sama sekali tidak salah malangnya sesetengah cuba memadamkan fakta yang perjuangan Abdul Rahman Limbong, Tok Kenali, Mat Kilau hanyalah bersandarkan semangat nasionalisme sedangkan matlamat utama adalah Islam. Hasilnya, hari ini banyak program yang
Saturday, August 02, 2008
The sons have somewhat less than the father had, but the part given to the community is still enormously large
Do you really know and understand how the world actually works?