Thursday, April 24, 2008

Human Needs

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
1. Physiological needs - food, breathing, water etc.

2. Security - security of body, of employment, of resources, of property, of family, of morality etc.

3. Love/belonging - friendship, family etc.

4. Esteem - self-confidence, respect of others, achievement etc.

5. Self-actualization - acceptance of fact, problem solving, lack of prejudice, creativity, spontaneinity etc.

The first four falls under deficiency needs and the 5th one, growth need.


Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w: “Antara punca kebahagiaan anak Adam ialah memiliki isteri yang solehah, 'tempat tinggal yang selesa' dan 'kenderaan yang baik'. Antara punca kecelakaan anak Adam ialah isteri yang jahat, rumah yang tidak selesa dan kenderaan yang tidak elok.” – Riwayat Ahmad melalui para perawi yang sahih.

The reason for me to put up the Maslow's theory and the saying of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) here is just because I think they are related especially the first 3 layers of the hierarchy and the hadith.

Lately, I've been thinking why me and some friends are not feeling happy. I mean not that we're unhappy all the time but we could be sometimes. (ah it's confusing) I guess I have found the answer. Some of the needs are not fulfilled (don't get me wrong, I am not referring to the first one in the hadith ).

i know all of us have the capability to fix the situation, either by being thankful or hoping for the situation to improve..thus having our needs ours!

I guess it's important to have the needs so that we can work effectively, not only as students, but also as workers/His slaves (after all, He is the One who provides all, right?)


Anonymous said...

Salaam..amboi balik tganu ka..heheh

Far Azmi said...

wslm wbt. hehe yep.. tp dah ada KL blk nih

M A S S M A R C E L L A said...

"It is the reflection that leads to learning, not merely our experiences (Dewey, 1933)."

aku pernah terbaca ayat ini dalam buku woolfolk kot..hahaha..esemen punyer hal lar nih..adehh

Good luck farah~~
in wutever u do! May God blessing always with u =)

Far Azmi said...

hehe.. mmg amik dr situ.. teachers should be reflective practitioners right?

U too kak Mass.. go kak mass go!