Friday, April 18, 2008

Not a mid-life crisis

How can I be happy while other are enjoying themselves for their A+ state of eeman (alhamdulillah) , I'm still here in this condition struggling with my own times at war with myself. I read many blogs and I can't stop my own jelousy to arouse out of happiness that they are having fun doing what I think I like to do as well.

I read a book by a Brazilian author which in one of the chapters describes the feeling of a character who feels unhappy with what she's doing. She leads a wonderful life, a wife to a husband that she really loves but suddenly she decides that the happiness lies in the sufferings, thus, chose to be a war correspondent meaning that she has to face danger everyday in war zones. She feels happy in an unhappy condition and finds no satisfaction in living the conventional life.

Well, what am I trying to say? It's not that I'm like the character but I guess finding what you really like doing is important. Sometimes people are too stucked with the same pattern in living that we don't even spare some time to think whether we're happy or not with the way we lead our life. Sometimes happiness lies behind the unhappiness.

As for myself, the most important thing is to enjoy doing something that is right. I know what I like to do but I'm not satisfied. I've got to find the suitable method doing what I like. And I'll never stop finding as that's one of the things that I love doing.
"It begins with a glimpse or a passing thought.. It ends with obsession"
Let me find myself first and things that I need before the accomplishment.


Jarod Yong said...

This is a mid-life crisis...
Everybody has them once in a while...
Some people have them more than once in their lives!
But once people get past it...
They are a more complete person...

You have my support!

Madam Afifah said...

salam wrb,

semoga Allah sentiasa membantumu dalam mujahadahmu

saya pun terkapai-kapai juga

(^_^) chaiyok farah
optimis sajalah