Monday, July 14, 2008

Bukan daerah terlarang

Entah bagaimana terkeluar persoalan ini saat aku berdiskusi saja-saja dengan sahabatku.

"Aku rasa mereka yang mengaku ateis malas berfikir (i know we shouldn't generalise, but this could be one of the factors)".

"Benar. Mungkin kesenangan akan keadaan sekarang membuat mereka memilih jalan mudah.Pernah seorang alim berkata 'Aku tidak risaukan mereka yang berfikir kerana walau bagaimana sesat mereka sekalipun pasti kebenaran akan mereka ketemu jua akhirnya,, tapi aku risaukan mereka yang malas berfikir kerana merekalah yang dalam kesesatan sebenarnya."

Ahmad Wahib menukilkan dalam diarinya yang kini diterbitkan, "Tuhan bukanlah daerah terlarang dalam pemikiran. Tuhan yang mencipta akal, jadi bagaimana kuat pun kita berfikir pasti akal tidak berjaya menidakkan ketidakwujudan Tuhan. Kerana Penciptanya pasti telah meletakkan batasan terhadap akal itu."

Di dalam kitab suci Al-Quran Allah berfirman:

"Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk isi neraka Jahannam kebanyakan dari jin dan manusia, mereka mempunyai hati, tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk memahami(ayat ayat Allah) dan mereka mempunyai mata tetapi tidak digunakannya untuk melihat (tanda tanda kekuasaan Allah) dan mereka mempunyai telinga tetapi tidak digunakannya untuk mendengar ayat-ayat Allah.Mereka itu sebagai binatang ternak bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi.Mereka itulah orang orang yang lalai." (7:179)
Berfikirlah. Kerana itu adalah perintah Tuhan.

Suatu contoh yang menarik untuk dinukilkan tentang kewujudan Tuhan adalah genius abad ke-20, Albert Einstein. Beliau berjaya menemukan sesuatu yang dipanggil Teori Relativiti. Pada mulanya, Einstein memalsukan kenyataan sebenar tentang teori ini. Kenapa? Kerana teori ini membuktikan kewujudan Tuhan. Tetapi akhirnya beliau memohon maaf kerana menipu dan mendedahkan perkara sebenar.

Dari wiki,
"Some of the consequences of general relativity are:
However, I've only understand better the italicized part. According to this theory if we go back to the past, the universe will shrink. And it will shrink to nothing! (not even -0.000x). This again raises one question, if it shrinks to nothing, then what is the origin of the universe? There is only one answer to this. Kita semua tahu Tuhan mampu menciptakan sesuatu dengan berkata "jadilah!", "Be!", "Kunfayakun". God is the only One who can create thing from nothing! Therefore, there is no other hypothesis besides this which proves the existence of God and that this universe is created by Him. So, those who insist that there is no God are being unscientific.

In the Quran, 1400+ years ago, Allah has revealed that it is He who expands the universe while only in the 20th century people discovered about this.

"it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)"

Subhanallah. This is one of Quran's miracles. Whether you believe it or not, this discovery is attributed by Allah's will to give knowledge about Him to those who think.
The universe is expanding
According to the Big Bang theory, everything began from the explosion of a point of infinite density and zero volume. As time passed, space expanded and the gaps between heavenly bodies grew.


Jarod Yong said...

who came up with the idea that the universe is expanding?
was it the same people who didn't want to think & only said that the universe is expanding to support the big bang theory?

Far Azmi said...

before ppl came up with the theory that the universe is expanding, they actually had to'think'about the origin of the universe first which leads to the fact or maybe assumption (?) that the universe is created from nothing and it keeps to expand

it's like someone wants to know you, so he or she will have to find out about you first then discovers the fact that u're from kuching and he/she can make assumptions as well
whether it is true or not until he/she finds out the truth about u which is the same case with the bing bang theory..

and as a muslim, i believe wholeheartedly that the universe is expanding for it is in the holy Quran and one pillars of faith in islam is to believe the book

4 me, it's amazing that science always has the answers for the questions 'how' but not 'why'..