Monday, January 01, 2007

it's 2007, ppl

Drastically-changed-weather is making me feeling unwell. How I wish the pharmacy here sold 'obat batuk cap ibu dan anak'. Lately, I've been contemplating a lot on how many friends that God has granted to me. They are sooo many and I'm the type who has this problem of keeping in touch with people. And another surprising moment happened when I found out the new friend that I made in Sydney is actually the best friend of my best friend back in MRSM. They're still best friends and it's funny how small the world is. My best friend has two best friends in Sydney and we just knew each other. Cool kn?
Since today is the first day of 2007, I'd like to wish everyone happy new year. New year's resolutions:
1. ingin mengikis tabiat shopping. menghabiskan duit rakyat jerkk ;p. I think i already have enough clothes that will last for a lifetime... hehe..but still want to buy more. zalitun sungguh!
2. i want to be more organised. which is actually not so me. and fatin calls me 'tikus'. But determination is no harm. i'd like to quote from Ainee's blog
"messiness is a sign of genius. do not tidying up. it affects mental development".
well, i'm not sure whether this is true or not. But somehow this does not applies to me. Cos im not a genius. But i used to ask someone to tidy up his room cos in the picture it looks terribly messy. Now, i feel guilty that this is actually not good for his mental development. cos he's a genius!
3. travelling to other parts of Australia. I've been once to Canberra, and twice to Melbourne. And planning to go there again. But still I havent reached Brisbane and Adelaide and NZ as well. Really need a good financial management and early planning for those trips.
4. i think about others later.


Anonymous said...

haha farah ape kena dgn pics tu???

gud luck with the new resolution.doakan aku gak

Far Azmi said...

yeah akan ku doakan mu~ :)

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

ubat batuk cap ibu dan anak ade di jual di miracles~

sekina. terima kasih.

Far Azmi said...

oh yeke... thx nisa 4 d info...jzk