Saturday, February 08, 2014

The Castle in The Pyreness by Jostein Gaarder

If you've read Sophie's World (a novel which also serves as a basic guide to philosophy), you might feel compelled to read this novel. It's a love story of two old lovers who parted from each other because of their different interpretations of an incident that is also the cause of their separation. The female character, Solrun is a very spiritual and religious person and the male character,Steinn is more of a rationalist and atheist. They correspond with each other through emails. The whole novel to me is more of like a lecture on SPIRITUALITY vs LOGIC. Readers who are into great plot in a novel might find this boring and I did skip a few paragraphs as it feels like reading a text book.But this novel has served its purpose for readers who read to learn more about philosophy. My favourite part of the novel is the ending. It's just truly unexpected. I must say that it's strong and captivating and it it capable of leaving such a deep impact to the readers, at least to me. It has taught me great life's lessons such as, TO BE GRATEFUL and TO LIVE FOR THE MOMENT. And of course, reading it as a muslim, I don't agree with some of the views of both character especially Steinn. Worth reading if you're into philosophy but I would recommend you to read Sophie's World first. It's the kind of book that can help you to understand Nietszche,Aristotle, Descartes etc. in brief.

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