Saturday, March 17, 2007


Reading about other people's achievements, in some ways trigger me to work harder to achieve my aim as well. But I'm having this 'malas' thingy. Somehow, I am not sure whether the course that I am studying now really suits me or not. But I love the fact that I am going to be a teacher. I cannot wait actually. By the way, just leave the future alone until it comes.
"Perhaps the secret of depression is in allowing yourself to have time for superfluous thought, especially in whether you are happy or not. Don't allow such thoughts to creep into your mind; rather, you should remain steadfast in working. When you apply yourself to a serious task, your blood will begin to circulate and your mind will spurred into action. You will find that your new life has quickly been removed of anxiety and worrisome thoughts. Work, and do so on a continual basis; for this is the most inexpensive remedy available on the face of the earth and the most effective." - George Bernard Shaw


N.H. Tay said...

there is no replacement for hardwork~

Far Azmi said...

tu boleh je komen :)

N.H. Tay said...

ha ah laa.. blh la plak.
ni mesti sbb aku tekan publish bertubi2 ni.. hahaha~ akhirnya dpt gak!

Unknown said...

ko hidayat.. mmg experiment jer kejenyer.. kekekeke..

farah - stay strong yeh.. malas malas aku piat tinga karang.. ko nnt jgn ajar anak aku english, ko suruh dia google.. ade yg makan penampar karang.

Far Azmi said...

dayat: huhuh.. experiment yek

tekong: i.Allah.. takkan aku jd tlalu malas.. haha google? jgn..hehe..dulu kt tepeng aku suke bile period English..bleh surf tenet kt library :D

btw. techology is the medium..apa2 pun peranan cikgu ttp penting..

Unknown said...

terima kasih taiping sbb pertemukan aku dengan flash.. kehkehkeh.

agrees with your point.. some kids are arrogant. saying they can just learn from google are incredibly stupid. teachersstill, indoubtly, an important guidance

( aku main taram je cakap english nih )