Wednesday, May 02, 2007

i want my own big sister!
I went to a talk organised by Mumsa today. The speech was given by a sister who is a journalist, and a lecturer at RMIT University. Listening to her giving the speech enthusiastically which depicts her intelligent really inspires me to have a sister like her. It's good to have a big sister as someone that you can look up to. But since I'm the eldest, it's impossible. But it would be such an amazing thing if I really have a sister like her. A role model that will inspire me to be someone as great as her. Well, I am not used to having a sister. Even during school days, I'm not the type who practised this kakak angkat, adik angkat thingy. So, I never really had experiences of how does it like to have an older sister until June last year, where I met lots of new friends, and many of them are older than me. And now they're like my big sisters to me. It's good that at least I can experience the feelings of having a sister. I love you all with all my heart and soul!
Hurm.. but I really admire the sister who gave the talk. It's amazing to know that she's just got married to a revert. How can she manage three things (a lecturer, a journalist, a wife) all at once? That's just wow~ If only she was my blood sister. Oh, I'm dreaming.
Well, maybe it's time for me to realise the fact that I have 4 younger sisters. I don't know but I hope I can be someone that they will look up to as well so that with this thing in my mind, it will become one driving force for me to be someone better each day. Insya-Allah. Or at least, enough of me portraying bad example to them. huuuu :(
See you guys in Dec. Insya-Allah.


Anonymous said...

maybe without you knowing your siblings look up to you =) after all you are their big sister

durra yg mungkin ade blog .hehehe

Far Azmi said...


durra~ kedekut taknak bg link :p

Rosyada said...

she's also currently doing her Ph.D ...

hebat kan??

Rosyada said...
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